Spirit Science
Information About Spirit Science
Spirit Science is an animated video series starring Patchman, who takes you on a journey into the unknown as we look at many basics of what it means to be spiritual. Things like Chakras, Thoughts, Sacred Geometry, Astral Projection, Atlantis, and even creation itself. Spirit Science dives into the topics that modern society tells us are taboo to discuss. If you’re new to this stuff, Spirit Science is a great place to start!
Most people don’t realize that there’s actually a very powerful connection between Spirituality and Science. The entire field of science and philosophy is slowly coming full circle in understanding the cosmic connection between all things. All of the atoms, particles, plants, animals, humans, planets, stars, and galaxies, all work in the same fundamental geometric structures that shape all of the universe! There are so many deep mysteries that lay hidden in our world, and we are discovering what all of them truly mean.
Visit the official website at: SpiritScience.net
Spirit Science Videos
Metaphysics is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world, and also dealing with First Cause and the Nature of Being.
Metaphysics For Life
What is GOD? A Metaphysical Perspective
The Science of The Heart
The human heart emits the strongest electromagnetic field in our body. Watch these information videos about the mind, body and spirit, love, compassion, dna, and the science that connects the heart and mind.
The Language of Love - Heartmath Institute
The Heart Brain Connection
[See All Heart Science Videos]
Gnosis Lecture Series
Gnosis is the Greek word for knowledge. The word has meaning within the spheres of Christian mysticism, Mystery religions and Gnosticism where it signifies a 'spiritual knowledge' or religion of knowledge, in the sense of mystical enlightenment or 'insight'. Gnosis taught a deliverance of man from the constraints of earthly existence through 'insight' into an essential relationship, as soul or spirit, with a supramundane place of freedom.
The Spiritual World A lecture by Dr. Mitchell Gibson at the International Conference on Science and Consciousness. The lecture provides a basic introduction to the structure and function of the dimensions of the spiritual world, explains the universal forces that create the dimensional worlds, explores some of the major worlds of the spiritual realm
Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism
Videos by the Humanity Healing Network
Ancient Knowledge and Hidden Secrets or Reality
Encoded knowledge is information that is conveyed in signs and symbols and we can find this knowledge all over the world. All around the world, ancient architecture and geometric patterns symbolise unseen forces at work.
We are being lied to by the media. Most modern archaeologists are also in the dark. "The Ancients" were not as 'primitive' as many are led to believe. We just failed to de-code this knowledge conveyed in signs, symbols and ancient artwork.
Discover information about Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Consciousness and the Illusion of Reality that has been kept hidden from the public.