Zeitgeist: The Movie, by Peter Joseph. Originally released in 2007 as a non-commercial performance work - only later to evolve into an unprecedented internet sensation - Zeitgeist: The Movie is a aesthetically driven documentary film divided into three sections - each a commentary on what the director calls angles of "Social Mythology". The first section, entitled "The Greatest Story Ever Told", explores the topic of comparative religion, specifically the controversial relationship between early pagan religions and their influence on the Judeo-Christian system of belief as it is practiced and defined today.

The second section, entitled "All the World's a Stage" explores the events of September 11th 2001 from the stand point of inconsistencies, inaccuracies and improbabilities with regard to the official account put forward by the United States Government. The third section, entitled "Don't Mind the Men Behind the Curtain" explores a series of monetary related and power issues, including central banking, money creation, wars for profit and their pretexts, terrorism, the consequence of excessive security, government corruption and much more.

Zeitgeist: The Move - Companion Source Guide