Reprogramming Your Brain - Max Igan
Information About Max Igan
Episode of Max Igan's 'Surviving the Matrix' show which talks about the dark forces at work in the world, creating your reality, the nature of emotions/DNA, and reprogramming your brain.
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Max Igan - Reprogramming Your Brain
The Secret Beyond Matter
Man is conditioned right from the beginning of his life that the world he lives in has an absolute material reality. So he grows up under the effect of this conditioning and builds his entire life on this viewpoint. The findings of modern science, however, have revealed a completely different and significant reality than what is presumed.
Disover The Secret Beyond Matter
The sequel to the film: Esoteric Agenda, Kymatica focuses on human and universal consciousness and points out a psychic disease that mankind has induced that is creating insane illusions which is allegedly the main cause of pain and suffering. Kymatica goes deeper into the metaphysical aspects of reality and connects ancient myths and history with modern ways of society and political outcome, focusing on human and universal spiritual evolution and consciousness.
Amazing Crop Circles!
A glimpse of the new reality unfolding. Prepare yourself for the "time of your lives!"
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