New Age Buzz-words in Health, Healing and Wellness:
What do they mean to you?
Of all the popular “new age” search terms in the health and healing category, my personal favorite is holistic healing. This term, it seems, embodies all of the others, like spiritual healing, soul healing, healing meditation, chakra, energy healing, spiritual journey and metaphysics. Some of these terms are specific methodologies like Chakra and guided meditation, while others are just general expressions of adopting a way of thinking beyond the realm of materialism. The popularity of such search terms is a clear indication that hundreds of thousands of people are taking charge of their health and exploring possibilities beyond conventional medicine, which is primarily about eradicating disease through cutting, sewing, burning, radiation and toxic chemicals. Of course, there are many benefits and people cannot afford to turn their backs on treatment opportunities in the standard health care system, but there are many viable adjuncts and alternatives.
However, the emphasis here is that holistic healing focuses on you, the consumer taking charge of and responsibility for your health. You start with understanding that you are much more than a skin bag of cells, tissues and organs and that your goal is to be well; not just to be free of disease. Thus you come to understand that you are a person with a body, mind and spirit—all functioning as a single inseparable unit so that every consideration has its impact on the entire being. Therefore, our wellness depends on the thought, speech and action of ourselves and of everyone else who is involved in our lives.
In conclusion, the foundation for healthy living is in how you think, what you say and what you do. Every decision is simply an answer to the question, “Should I or shouldn’t I?” Wellness most often requires being able to put off the desire for instant gratification and put forth effort to maintain self discipline. Healing requires searching for information about the existing or potential health problem and leaving all options open when discussing recommended solutions which must always include some life-style adjustments. Thus true holistic healing is dropping the notion that “doctor knows best” and taking responsibility for yourself by learning, evaluating and deciding.
New Age Terms A-Z
Mantras and Chants
New age videos featuring various spiritual mantras and chants for spiritual well being, healing, insight and meditation.
The Language of Quantum Communication
The reality is, we all have the ability to attract whatever we want in our lives and our reality. Look around, research, read? scientific literature of opposing sides, whatever you want to understand, if you put your energy there, you will find substance supporting or furthering your understanding! It is all about what you put out and where you place your consciousness.
New Age Science Cosmic Evolution
Short informational video explaining the basic concepts and beliefs of New Age Science, Spiritual Evolution and the Cosmic Humanism worldview. - See more at:
New Age Spirituality is all about getting back your power. Not that you ever lost it. Sometimes you gave your power away, misplaced it, or forgot you had power in the first place.
And why does the term: "New Age Spirituality"... seem to bother some religious leaders, especially leaders of the Christian faith? After all, we are in a new age: The Age of Aquarius. The concept of an Age exists within ancient spiritual traditions, and lasts 2000 more