Douglas Blue Feather
Douglas Blue Feather, Cherokee heritage, is an internationally known songwriter and performer
of both traditional and contemporary new age music featuring the Native American flute.
Information About Douglas Blue Feather
Douglas Blue Feather, Cherokee heritage, is an internationally known songwriter and performer of both traditional and contemporary new age music featuring the Native American flute. He is a multi Native American Music Award Winner along with numerous other awards and nominations. He has released twelve CDs which have been heard on radio stations worldwide.
Blue Feather has also been featured on the Grammy nominated CD, Faces Of The Sun, by Peter Kater. Blue Feather has performed at the Native American Awards, on NBC TV, Fox TV, and at numerous nationally advertised powwows, festivals, and churches throughout the United States. He has been recognized by Native Peoples Magazine as being one of the top performers on the Native music scene. Source
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